Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Birthday!

I recently had my birthday on the 23rd of this last month! It was a great weekend full of fun and practice. Yes, play practice for the Beauty and the Beast play our church is putting on. I am singing and being a fork that is all I know so far. Anyway on with my birthday... I got texting finally! 2oo a month for now until summer and I will get unlimited. I got new irish shoes, chocolate, money,a webcam, and a new dress. That is about it. On Saturday night I had some friends from Ellensburg come up for my first stake dance.lol. and ice cream! It was pretty darn fun! Here are some pictures from when we went to my grandpa and Gramma Wright's house!


Kelly said...

What are Irish Shoes?

Emmaleigh Klueber said...

Irish shoes are shoes that I wear for like Riverdance class. They are like wearing heels if you just look them up on the computer they will show them. They are pretty uncomfortable at first but I am growing in to them.